Hey girl, you know you drive me crazy
One look puts the rhythm in my hand
Still I'll never understand why you hang around
I see what's going down
Cover up with make-up in the mirror
Tell yourself it's never gonna happen again
You cry alone and then he
Swears he loves you
Do you feel like a man
When you push her around?
Do you feel better now
As she falls to the ground?
Well I'll tell you, my friend
One day, this world's got to end
As your lies crumble down
A new life she has found
A pebble in the water makes a ripple effect
Every action in this world will bear a consequence
If you wade around forever you will surely drown
I see what's going down
I see the way you go and say you're right again
Say you're right again
Heed my lecture
Do you feel like a man
When you push her around?
Do you feel better now
As she falls to the ground?
Well I'll tell you, my friend
One day, this world's got to end
As your lies crumble down
A new life she has found-
One day she will tell you that she has enough
It's coming round again
One day she will tell you that she has enough
He's coming round again
Do you feel like a man
when you push her around?
Do you feel better now
As she falls to the ground?
Well I'll tell you, my friend
One day, this world's got to end
As your lies crumble down
a new life she has found-
Face down in the dirt
She said this doesn't hurt
She said I've finally had enough
Face down in the dirt
She said this doesn't hurt
She said I've finally had enough
Lagu ni adalah salah satu lagu Inggeris yang paling aku suka lirik dia. Lagu ni tentang seorang lelaki yang berkomunikasi dengan lelaki lain mengenai sikap lelaki tu yang senang-senang je meng'dumped' girlfriend dia.
Aku suka masa part...
Do you feel like a man
when you push her around?
Do you feel better now
As she falls to the ground?
Well I'll tell you, my friend
One day, this world's got to end
As your lies crumble down
a new life she has found-
Rasa best bila tahu adanya lelaki yang sedar yang meng'dumped' orang bukanlah sesuatu yang boleh dibanggakan. Aku ingat lelaki sume lebih kurang sama je. Kiranya aku ingat diorang bukannya kisah pun kalau kawan-kawan lelaki dia yang lain dumped girlfriend diorang. Tapi bila baca lirik ni, barulah aku tau bahawa ada jugak lelaki lain yang lebih bertimbang rasa dan berbelas kasihan dengan nasib yang ditimpa oleh perempuan. Lelaki tu siap sound lg kawan dia yang "Ko rasa cam lelaki sejati ke bila dumped girlfriend ko", "rasa best sangat ke bila dia tengok dia sedih". Macam tulah kiranya bila lirik tu di-Melayukan (hahaha...agknye laa).
So, buat lelaki-lalaki kat luar sana tu. Tolong ar jangan senang-senang jer nak dumped-kan girlfriend korang. Kitorang pun bukannya suka sangat kena dumped (ada ke yang suka??? huhu~)
Tapi lagu ni ditujukan buat lelaki yang senang-senang je (sayur-sayur je...) nak dumped-kan girlfriend diorang laa... Kalau girlfriend korang pun teruk sangat perangai dia tu lain cerita lah yea...huhu~
Btw lagu ni mmg BEST!!! Uhuhu~
ape sbut sayur2 ni?bkan ke sensitif ke?
bayam x pe..huhuhu
hehehe...yeke..bkn dla mmg makan sayur ke...ngeee~
ok2...nnt dla tukar (bayam-bayam je...) k...huhu~
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